Center Drop-In Counseling

Talk to someone you can relate to.

What is drop-in counseling?

Drop-In counseling gives you the flexibility to schedule a 30-minute or 60-minute solution-focused session online anytime you need a jump-start to work through a specific life issue or concern.

Drop-In counseling is a great option for when you need to touch-base with a counselor occasionally, but do not require a traditional course of short- or long-term counseling. It gives you a springboard for finding solutions to the challenges you’re facing and making changes in your life now.

We all need to be heard and know that we have someone to connect with.


Providing you with a safe person to talk to

Drop-In Counseling can be done from the convenience of your own home, with secure and direct online video connections, or using your phone!

Our Drop-In Counselors

Our team is a group of advanced clinical interns who provide warm, supportive, and steady counseling. All of our Advanced Clinical Interns are under direct clinical supervision.

“I thoroughly enjoyed my drop-in counseling session. The counselor was so considerate and patient. She gave me some practical suggestions to try to manage my anxiety.”

Schedule now and connect with a qualified Counselor!


Drop-In Counseling is not designed to replace psychotherapy