What is Drop-In Counseling?

Transforming mental healthcare

Our counselors work with you to help you develop options and offer encouragement for dealing with the issues you are experiencing. They help you create a plan and assist you in making it work. They serve as a sounding board and help you try out your ideas. Our counselors know a lot of different techniques you can consider trying.

In all areas of life-no matter your background-we know relationships are crucial to well-being.

Our counselors can provide understanding during a time when you may feel alienated or hopeless. Drop-In counseling is an additional resource for coping.

Drop-In counseling can reduce symptoms and hospitalizations, increase social support, and improve well-being, self-esteem, and social functioning.

Our rates


Drop-In counseling can be a great option for people who can’t afford therapy or it can be a substantial additional support for those already in therapy. Our rates start at $15 for 30 minutes.

Our team is a group of Advanced Clinical Interns who provide warm, supportive, and steady counseling. All of our Advanced Clinical Interns are under direct clinical supervision.

Schedule now and connect with a qualified Counselor!